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Writer's pictureJo J Jacques

Uncovering Your Source of Motivation: What Drives You to Succeed?

Updated: Jul 3

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The vast majority of us have seen a rise, amongst the human population, who are suffering from anxiety, depression, as well as a lack of self-confidence, drive and motivation. It appeared to us as a major problem, out of nowhere especially after global lockdown, but It's not like this wasn't an issue before - it just wasn't spoken about, as often or as openly on social media or on the news. After 2020, mental health was taken more seriously, it was no longer seen as 'it's just in your head.'

Honestly, there was always a percentage of the population who suffered from low self-esteem, a lack of confidence and depressive states due to how they felt and viewed their lives or the constant comparison game of wanting or envying what others had or have. All of us have played a part in this to some degree, at some point in our lives, whether we'd like to admit it or not.

Evidently, this takes a toll, effecting your current level of motivation, changing what actually motivates you to achieve your goals, based on your ever changing thoughts, feelings and perspectives in any given moment. This post is for those of you who aren't quite sure about what motivates you, even if you're someone who lacks motivation, and you want to discover what will drive you towards achieving your goals, this post aims to provide you with some clarity.

Motivation: Identify Your Reason

What gets you out of bed in the morning?

Is it the smell of your partners morning breath?

An errand?

An important meeting or appointment?

Is it the drive to do better for your children?

The taste of a fresh cup of coffee?

Do you love your job?

Or do you just have to get out of bed?

It could be all of the above or none of them at all. Everyone is different and your reason for getting up every day is driven by something! Your motivation isn't necessarily going to be the same for the person who walks passed you on the street. Maybe your current motivation is simply knowing that you have something, you want to achieve and this will change your current circumstances, and benefits not just you, but your family in the long run. - This is what we call looking at the bigger picture.

Motivation: The Ultimate Breakdown

Motivation, It's not waking up at 5am, singing and dancing your way to the bathroom to the music in your head, that's an extremely happy person! To be completely honest, there are days where you won't feel like getting up, but you do, anyway - This is what we call self-discipline.

When you're self-disciplined you possess a deeper level of inner-standing,

Doing what you need to do is far more important than what you want to do.'

Your motivation could be a list of things, right now you could be driven by a short term goal like paying off a small debt or a long term goal that would benefit your overall wellbeing. Whatever your motivation may be, It all starts with You, Your Mindset, Your Belief in Yourself and How You See The Outcome.

If you genuinely believe that you can do something, you will do Everything in Your Power to achieve that goal because You Believe You Can and when you think of that goal you naturally envision yourself achieving it, it's like your embodying that experience in the present moment because its Important to You too. However when you don't believe you can do something, it shows in how you talk about that goal, how you talk about yourself achieving that goal, and lastly you make any excuse to avoid working towards that goal.

Your Self-Belief is Proven in Your Actions

The Origins of Motivation

Motivation comes from your personal reason, to take action towards achieving something. It all boils down to What Makes You Want to Get Out of Bed when you open your eyes in the morning, to get ready and go about your day, without even thinking about it. Motivation comes from your 'why.' It's an internal drive.

You have two options every morning whether you acknowledge these choices or not. 1. To get up and Do what you need to do. or 2. Roll back over and go back to sleep. - Don't get me wrong, choosing 2. would address that feeling of wanting a few more minutes in bed but it doesn't get you any closer to achieving your goals. However, the decision you make every morning is triggered and starts with your 'why' and this is always an internal factor also known as an intrinsic motivator.

Its rarely just about paying bills or to put food on the table. If you think that's your current 'why'? My friend, dig deeper, because motivation comes from within.

It doesn't matter how old you are, what school or university you went to or what industry you work in, none of you - none of us, do what we do on a daily basis without some form of motivation pushing us. It's not just about your mentality (although it's apart of it), it's not based upon whether you genuinely feel good that day or if you feel like you were hit by a tornado and all you really want to do is go back to bed.

The thing about life and motivation is that, there will be days when you feel like superwoman or superman and you feel like you can do anything! On the other hand, there are days where you just don't feel like it, the trick is to remember your 'why' on the days,

You just don't feel like it. - You have enough self-discipline and a level of understanding and inner-standing to know that if you always follow how you feel - you'll never get anything done.

Motivation is an aspect of your will power which sits energetically as a frequency in your solar plexus chakra, this is what drives your being. This chakra, governs the ability for you to remain confident, assertive and make decisions based on that 'gut feeling' where you just know that decision will work out. You can't explain it logically, but you just know. - That's intuition, and its all connected. This is what gets you up in the morning! You're driven and ready to go because you know, deep down, subconsciously you're destined for more, you're aiming for more and you won't settle for anything less than, what your currently working towards.

This is why some people can wake up as soon as the alarm goes off at 5am, regardless if they've had an adequate amount of sleep and refuse to press snooze - they avoid it completely until it no longer crosses their mind. They know that staying in bed is sweet! Especially on a cold winters morning, but they want and need more and nothing is going to stop them or stand in their way. They get up without debating whether its too cold or not.

Self-Reflection: Identify Your Why

Do yourself a favour and ask yourself "What is my 'why'?" "why do I want to do this or that?" "Who am I doing this for and who benefits from this?" and use those answers, which are your reasons to push you from where You ARE right now to where you KNOW you want to be. It doesn't matter how old you are, your current situation or your personal expectations, this applies to every person who has a goal. What's the aim? What do you want to achieve? Where do you see yourself in 12 months? In 5 or 10 years time? What does that look like to you? Really think about it and visualise it for a few minutes.

Setting Goals: Next Step

Make a small, yet manageable list of the things that you can do on a daily basis to get you closer to where you want to be in a months time, three months time, six months time & commit to it!

Because you know what? If you don't, another year will pass and nothing would have changed. Sit down and picture it, do you really want to be in the same situation you're in right now, in a years time? If not, what can you do to change that?

I know for a fact, No matter who you are, where you're from or where you live, You weren't born to come this far and just live your life year-in, year-out miserable and wishing for more. No! You are worth so much more, this isn't a Disney film, and there's no magic genie waiting for you to find him so you can make your three wishes! This is your life and you have no idea what you can accomplish until you take that first step.

Apply The Law of Attraction

Change doesn't happen when you wish for it, you have to take action! That's the secret to the law of attraction. Think about what you want, imagine achieving what you want , imagine the feeling associated with the accomplishment like its happening right now and brainstorm what steps you can take so that you can take action to physically achieve what you want. It won't happen over night, but split into manageable tasks that you can do daily, 6 months to a year from now you'll be closer to achieving your goal!

Words of Wisdom

You've come this far - that's progress! The next step is to keep going, You're about to go so far and beyond anything you could have previously imagined, the only person standing in your way right now is You. I've been where you are! It doesn't mean my life is perfect now and it's a bed of roses but I needed to step out of my comfort zone and really dig deep! Go inward and do some self-reflection to discover what I wanted for myself and what I'm going to do, how I'm going to take action to achieve my goals no matter how small or grand they are.

Trust me when I say:

You've got this!

You just need to take that first step & Keep Going! Don't look back!


Whatever motivates you, make sure the first person you do it for is You. You need to be the one that benefits the most from this motivator. You may be a parent and probably wondering "what about my children?" you can do it for them too, but you were here first, before your children came along and if you solely do everything and centre your whole life to do everything Just for them you'll lose yourself, burn yourself out and wonder where the time went.

You are human, and you may have several things and people who motivate you but make sure the first answer on that list of motivators is something to do with you - personally, then you can list everything or everyone else that pushes you to do and be better. Doing something for yourself isn't selfish it's creating a balance between being everything to everyone else around you (family, friends & colleagues) to acknowledging you're a priority too in this equation. To be the best version of yourself you need to create a healthy balance.

If you feel like you need some assistance to figure out your next steps, Get in touch, send us an email at We're always happy to help!

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Until Next time sending Love, Light & Healing your way!

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