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Writer's pictureJo J Jacques

Venus in Leo

venus in leo

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Introduction: How Venus in Leo Impacts the Zodiac

Venus retrograde is a significant astrological event that occurs approximately every 18 months, and its effects can be deeply felt in areas of love, beauty, relationships, and values. On July 22, 2024, Venus stations retrograde in the bold and dramatic sign of Leo, casting a spotlight on our romantic lives, creative endeavours, and self-worth. This retrograde period, lasting until September 3, 2024, will invite us to revisit, re-evaluate, and potentially revive aspects of our lives ruled by Venus. Here’s a detailed look at how Venus retrograde in Leo will impact each zodiac sign:

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

For Aries, Venus retrograde in Leo highlights your fifth house of creativity, romance, and self-expression. This period may bring past lovers back into your life, urging you to reconsider unfinished business in your romantic history. You might also feel compelled to revisit old hobbies or creative projects that once brought you joy. Reflect on how you express your passions and affections. Are there ways to rekindle the spark in your current relationships or creative pursuits? Use this time to rediscover what truly makes your heart sing.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Taurus, Venus is your ruling planet, and its retrograde through Leo activates your fourth house of home, family, and roots. This period may prompt you to reflect on your domestic life and familial relationships. You might feel a strong desire to reconnect with your family or address unresolved issues from the past. Consider making changes to your living environment that enhance your comfort and sense of belonging. This is also an excellent time to revisit your personal values and how they align with your home life.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

For Gemini, Venus retrograde in Leo takes place in your third house of communication, siblings, and local community. You may find yourself reconnecting with old friends or revisiting past conversations that need closure. This is a time to reflect on how you communicate your feelings and desires. Are there ways to improve your listening skills or express yourself more authentically? Be mindful of misunderstandings and strive for clarity in your interactions. This period is also ideal for rekindling connections within your local community or with siblings.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Cancer, Venus retrograde in Leo activates your second house of finances, values, and personal resources. This period may prompt you to reassess your financial situation and how you manage your resources. Are there past financial decisions or investments that need re-evaluation? Reflect on your spending habits and how they align with your core values. This is also a time to consider your self-worth and whether you are valuing yourself appropriately in both personal and professional relationships. Use this period to strengthen your financial foundation and personal values.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Leo, Venus retrograde occurs in your sign, highlighting your first house of self, identity, and personal appearance. This period will bring a deep introspection about how you present yourself to the world and what truly makes you feel confident and beautiful. You may feel a strong urge to revisit your style, appearance, and self-image. Reflect on past relationships and how they have shaped your sense of self. Are there patterns or behaviours that need to be released? Use this time to focus on self-love and authenticity, embracing who you truly are.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

For Virgo, Venus retrograde in Leo highlights your twelfth house of solitude, spirituality, and hidden matters. This introspective period encourages you to reflect on your inner world and subconscious patterns. You may find yourself revisiting past relationships or emotional wounds that need healing. Use this time for spiritual growth and self-compassion. Meditation, journaling, and therapy can be particularly beneficial during this period. Allow yourself to release old fears and embrace a deeper understanding of your true self.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Libra, your ruling planet Venus retrogrades in Leo, activating your eleventh house of friendships, social networks, and aspirations. This period may bring old friends or social connections back into your life, offering a chance to reconnect and resolve past issues. Reflect on your social circles and whether they align with your current values and goals. Are there friendships that need mending or boundaries that need to be set? Use this time to re-evaluate your aspirations and how your social network supports your dreams.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

For Scorpio, Venus retrograde in Leo takes place in your tenth house of career, reputation, and public life. This period may prompt you to reflect on your professional path and public image. Are there past career decisions or professional relationships that need reconsideration? Reflect on your achievements and how they align with your long-term goals. This is also a time to reassess your work-life balance and ensure that your career ambitions do not overshadow your personal values. Use this period to redefine your professional identity and aspirations.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Sagittarius, Venus retrograde in Leo highlights your ninth house of travel, higher education, and philosophy. This period encourages you to reflect on your beliefs, life philosophy, and desire for adventure. You may feel a strong urge to revisit past travels or educational pursuits that once inspired you. Reflect on how your beliefs and values have evolved over time. Are there opportunities for growth and exploration that you’ve overlooked? Use this time to expand your horizons and reconnect with what brings you a sense of purpose and meaning.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Capricorn, Venus retrograde in Leo activates your eighth house of shared resources, transformation, and deep connections. This period may prompt you to reflect on your intimate relationships and financial partnerships. Are there past issues or power dynamics that need to be addressed? Reflect on your boundaries and how you share your resources, both emotionally and materially. This is also a time for deep personal transformation and healing. Use this period to release old patterns and embrace a more authentic and empowered approach to intimacy and shared resources.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

For Aquarius, Venus retrograde in Leo highlights your seventh house of partnerships and relationships. This period may bring past partners back into your life, offering a chance to resolve unfinished business. Reflect on your current relationships and how they align with your values and needs. Are there patterns or behaviours that need to be released for healthier connections? Use this time to deepen your understanding of what you seek in partnerships and how you can foster more balanced and fulfilling relationships.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Pisces, Venus retrograde in Leo activates your sixth house of work, health, and daily routines. This period encourages you to reflect on your work habits, health routines, and how you manage your daily life. Are there past health issues or work projects that need revisiting? Reflect on how your daily routines support your overall well-being. Use this time to implement healthier habits and more efficient work practices. This is also a period to reassess your values in the workplace and ensure that your job aligns with your personal well-being and sense of fulfilment.

Embracing the Retrograde Energy

Venus retrograde in Leo is a powerful time for all zodiac signs to reflect on love, beauty, and values. Leo’s influence adds a dramatic and passionate flair, encouraging us to embrace our true selves and express our authentic desires.

Here are some general tips for navigating this retrograde period:

1. Reflect on Relationships: Use this time to revisit past relationships and unresolved issues. Reflect on what you’ve learned and how you can apply these lessons to current and future connections.

2. Re-evaluate Values: Take a deep look at your core values and how they align with your actions and decisions. Are there areas of your life where you need to realign with what truly matters to you?

3. Focus on Self-Love: Leo’s energy encourages self-expression and confidence. Use this period to cultivate self-love and embrace your unique qualities. Pamper yourself and engage in activities that boost your self-esteem.

4. Revisit Creative Projects: If you’ve set aside creative projects or hobbies, now is a great time to revive them. Allow yourself to explore your passions and express your creativity.

5. Heal Emotional Wounds: Venus retrograde is an ideal time for emotional healing. Reflect on past hurts and work towards releasing old patterns that no longer serve you. Seek therapy or engage in self-reflective practices.

6. Avoid Major Changes: Retrogrades are not typically the best time for major decisions or changes. Instead, focus on reflection and re-evaluation. Use this period to plan and prepare for future actions.


Venus retrograde in Leo from July 22, 2024, to September 3, 2024, offers a profound opportunity for introspection and transformation in areas related to love, beauty, and values. Each zodiac sign will experience this retrograde in unique ways, providing a chance to revisit and realign different aspects of life. Embrace the passionate and confident energy of Leo, and use this time to reconnect with your true self and what truly matters to you. Whether you’re revisiting past relationships, reassessing your values, or rekindling creative passions, this period is a powerful time for growth and self-discovery.

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