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Writer's pictureJo J Jacques

The Direct Link between Reiki Energy Healing and Fractal Potential

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Disclaimer: The purpose of this post is for informational and educational purposes ONLY. This should not be considered as medical advice or as a substitute for professional medical advice. If you seek medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please get in touch with your healthcare provider. One Call Away The Whole-istic Approach will not be liable for risks or issues associated with you acting upon the information presented in this post.

Introduction: What is Reiki?

Reiki is a common, well-known form of energy healing; a qualified reiki practitioner uses the universal life-force energy, also known as consciousness to be channelled through the top of their heads, down their arms and into their hands, to be transferred into the client’s body, who may be either laying down, sitting in a chair or in a distant location, fully clothed, relaxed with their eyes closed, to assist in reawakening the natural healing mechanism that is present in all living beings.

The Process of Reiki Treatment

To honour this process, the practitioner must be present, without judgement or personal intention, as consciousness works its way through the practitioners’ hands into the clients body, this can be done through contact or non-contact; where the practitioner places their hands directly on the clients body or just above, to heal what is meant to be addressed. In some cases, the practitioner can send reiki to a clients’ physical location, this is known as distant reiki healing. This is only possible as the nature of reiki is energetic and can travel to anywhere in the world regardless of space or time.

In each session, it is always the intelligence of consciousness that acknowledges, addresses, and heals the client on a physical, mental, emotional, or energetic level. The practitioner’s role is to be a vessel, for this powerful energy to be channelled through for the clients greater good.   

The Source of Reiki

Reiki’s fundamental source of healing energy, is the same intelligence that flows through all living organisms within this vibrational, energetic universe.

Reiki is often used as an alternative method for healing the overall well-being of an individual, as it can help with various physical, mental, emotional, and energetic issues that manifest in the human body in the form of blockages – often understood as a form of dis-ease or illness by non- practitioners.

Energetic Blockages

Energetic blockages often occur within the body from emotional, mental, and often physical trauma from past experiences, where the individual hasn’t allowed themselves to heal on an energetic level, to release the blockage that has developed. It’s often the case that clients aren’t aware of the blockage, as they have previously chosen to move on from the past trauma or use toxic coping mechanisms to forget the trauma with the hope to focus on other aspects of their lives. Nevertheless, this approach may seem like the best option to the client but, energetically they are unaware of the blockage that has manifested in the energetic body.  

When left untreated, blockages can develop into minor issues and further develop into mental, physical, emotional, or even spiritual problems in the form of dis-ease and manifest in an individual’s life as a form of difficulty or having a lack of something. For example, if a client has developed difficulty breathing over the duration of a few weeks and in their experience, it has gotten worse, there may be a blockage in the energetic body that connects to the lungs and the client would seek a medical practitioner for a formal diagnosis. They would then be examined and diagnosed with bronchitis and given antibiotics to relieve the symptoms whereas if they also seek a Reiki practitioner, their symptoms, and overall wellbeing would be taken into consideration with an appropriate solution recommended for their overall experience – A reiki healing session that focuses on the area of difficulty to allow consciousness to address and remove the blockage within the energetic body and bring the respiratory system back into balance and harmony.

The Fundamental Link between Reiki and Fractal Potential

The link between fractal potential and Reiki healing is the common fundamental component, consciousness. When a client receives reiki treatment they may or may not experience any emotions, thoughts or feelings as the blockage is being addressed or removed – this solely depends on the individual and what consciousness chooses to address within the session. In some cases, clients may be triggered and feel emotional, some unconsciously think about the trauma that created the blockage within the energetic body during a session while others feel a tingling sensation, a change in body temperature or a sharp pain.

As consciousness flows through the client, it alters the initial conditions within the client’s body to begin the process of bringing the body back into homeostasis, through cleansing and aligning the chakras, releasing old emotions, removing blockages, providing comfort during stages of emotional distress, relieving the client from symptoms of anxiety and depression to clearing and removing blockages within the energetic system, to allow the organs, energetic system, other systems and glands to return back to normal functionality.

Reiki treatment can also be used to assist in healing after an operation, there have been findings in recent research, that display the profound effects of reiki in assisting with rapid healing, where the healing duration had taken less time and the patient can resume normal activities sooner than previously suggested by physicians.

Clients often leave reiki sessions feeling different, their state had been altered for their greater good by an intelligence that understands and knows what that individual needs on a personal vibrational and energetic level.


As consciousness is the conscious observer of us all, by being channelled into one of many physical manifestations of itself, this intelligence knows and is aware of what is needed to heal and to facilitate the natural healing mechanism by changing or increasing the flow of consciousness already present within the body from a different perspective, during this process, it also changes the fractal potential patterns within the body and ultimately changes the fractal progression of the clients overall wellbeing.

Acknowledging the fact that energy healing in the form of reiki, enables consciousness to heal one physical manifestation of itself during a one-to-one energy healing session, it ultimately heals a part of itself and the whole. When consciousness heals an aspect of itself it creates a butterfly effect for the rest of us who make up the collective consciousness and we all begin to heal as a result on our individual journeys.

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