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Writer's pictureJo J Jacques

Self-love The Ultimate Breakdown

Updated: Aug 3

Table of Contents

A quote that describes the self love journey
The Journey to self-love


How many times have you described self-love as just loving yourself, expressed self-love as the idea of not tolerating something or practicing a form of self-care? If you're someone who has described this amazing journey in this way. Read on and open your mind to see this topic from a different perspective.

Self-Love: What is it?

Self-Love is all about You, your relationship with yourself, how you treat yourself, the love and respect you have for yourself, as well as what you choose to consume for your greater good - this could be in the form of what you eat, drink, what you listen to (music, radio, podcasts) because they all influence how you move throughout your day, how you feel and how you personally incorporate positive self-talk and so much more. It all starts with You.

The Self-love Breakdown

A quote that describes an attribute of self-love
Self-love is inner-standing the fact that You are a priority too

When you learn to love yourself, you take your first step towards healing by becoming self aware and acknowledging the need for forgiveness of yourself and others, this pushes you to be open and honest with who you truly are, to fully experience self-acceptance.

This journey involves learning to accept your true authentic self, for who you really are, not the person you pretend to be at times or the people pleasers we all tend to be, to fit in.

This journey uncovers all of those masks that were created from past experiences, it allows you to dig deeper, to see the real you - to discover your authenticity, to what makes up your essence; this is what makes you stand out & what makes you unique. It all comes down to having a deeper inner-standing of yourself, from an unbiased perspective, by observing the good, the bad and the ugly, going through the process of self-acceptance and going down the rabbit hole to uncover what truly drives you to make the choices you make everyday. Regardless if others perceive your decisions to be good or bad - You gain perspective.

When you start this journey, the first step is to become more self-aware, this includes:

  • Discovering whether you're operating on autopilot.

  • Understanding whether you're self-aware or not.

  • How to be more present.

  • Understanding your choices and decisions while aligning them with what you truly want.

  • What triggers your anxiety, your anger and other low vibrational emotions or thoughts , how to work through them and transmute them.

  • Choosing to make a conscious shift to show yourself the love you know you deserve.

  • Giving yourself the love you needed all along, when you weren't aware that's what was needed when you were a child, a teen or an adult. This process is also known as (shadow work).

Everyone's journey is unique and your experiences vary based on your perspective, actions and the decisions you make at any given moment. Nevertheless, self-love is about making better choices for your greatest good and forgiving yourself along the way. It's not about being selfish , its about being selfless for YOU, finally making yourself a priority. Accepting the fact that You Do Need Time to heal from past experiences, to create healthy, positive habits to change your current thought patterns and behaviour to align yourself to your higher self.

So give yourself time, this journey isn't a race, it's an experience and what you choose to do alters that experience. It's not about getting things right or perfect every time, it's a process of unlearning and learning, so that you can consciously let go of what no longer serves you. Remember you're human and it's okay to make mistakes - you're not a robot.

How We Navigate our Thoughts & Emotions

A quote about self acceptance
Accept all aspects of yourself & develop a deeper inner-standing of who you are!

We've been programmed to believe for so long that there's a right and wrong way to do things. We were told to push down all our emotions and get on with it. However, by doing this, we're totally unaware of what we are physically, spiritually and emotionally doing to our well-being, our souls and energetic bodies by suppressing all these low vibrational emotions and thoughts.

For generations, we were led to think that by suppressing our emotions and thoughts, we are doing ourselves and everyone else a favour, when in reality; the fact that you're angry, filled with fear, anxious or heart broken shows itself in the way you move throughout the world. It shows up in the way you carry yourself, the way you talk about yourself, how you talk to others, how you treat others and how you carry out your daily tasks - It shows. You're not hiding ANYTHING! Energetically we feel and see your pain.

What to do

Talk to someone, a parent, a friend, a sibling or even a life coach - do what you love - take care of your mind, body and soul and feed the trio with love. Be true to who you are, be proud of who you are. Forgive yourself for the things you did when you didn't know any better, forgive others who have hurt you and let it go. Forgiving others doesn't mean you condone their actions, forgiveness allows you to untie that cord that connects you to that experience on an emotional and energetic level and frees you.

Don't hold onto it, because its practically poisoning you, stealing your joy, your happiness and your chance to live your life, as the amazing being you are in the present. Every day is a gift when you rise up out of bed, so start expressing gratitude, hold the door open for others, smile, greet others on the street. Spread love if you want love and spread peace if you want peace. Acknowledging the fact that like attracts like, every action has a reaction and the energy you put out in the universe comes back to you; whether you're aware of this or not teaches us all to be more mindful with our thoughts, words and actions.

Life isn't a bed of roses but that's the beauty of it all! When times are good Embrace it and when its not take it as a challenge and work through it. Life was never meant to be good all the time otherwise how will you learn to appreciate the people and blessings you have in your life? The tough times give you the opportunity to grow, learn and evolve.


Try this..

Forget about getting that dream car or dream house for a moment and everything materialistic we all work so hard to have and keep and think about the little things; You have what you need and whatever it is you want you can always work towards. If you don't like something change it, and if you don't want something, let it go. The difference in these two things are the choices and the action taken. Life doesn't have to be so complicated.

Keep it simple & You'll see the difference, Keep your frequency high & stay true to yourself.

Stay tuned for the next blog post on 33 ways to raise your frequency.


Self Love Starts With You

Until next time, my virtual readers always sending love, light and blessings your way!

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