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Writer's pictureJo J Jacques

"How to Discover Your True Purpose and Live a Fulfilling Life"

Updated: Jul 3

Table of Contents

"Failing doesn't mean it's over and to quit. Failing allows you to see things from a different perspective & gives you the chance to choose what you're going to do to improve your plan and execute it."

Introduction: Types of People

You may be someone, who's always known what they were destined to do from a young age, some of us discover it as we become adults and others discover it after they realise that the life they've been living for so long, has lost its spark and it no longer fulfils them.

Have you risen out of bed and thought to yourself 'ahh, do I have to?' or 'ugh, it's one of those days' or 'I can't wait for the weekend' but it's only Monday?

A lot of people live like this for years, even decades, feeling unfulfilled, with no purpose but somehow they still manage to get out of bed and go to work or get the kids ready for school because it's an obligation - it's a must. In their minds, it's 'I can't afford to stay in bed' so they get up regardless of how they feel and go along their day.

It's down to your thoughts, your perspective and how you see things. Once you shift the way you've been socially engineered to think and go inward - You realise that you're so much more!

The ones who realise, that they need more out of life know it's time to make a change, they want a fresh start, to do something that challenges them and pushes them in the direction of a life that's filled with abundance and improves all aspects of their lives. They realise that they have a purpose (they just need to find it) and that there's more to life, compared to living a life, where the main focus is providing for the family, paying bills, putting food on the table and keeping a roof over their head. - That's the first step.

Your True Purpose

Discover your purpose guide
Discover your purpose with One Call Away

It's really about doing what you love! So what are you good at? That can provide a service to people and can help them in some shape or form - you'd happily do it for FREE but you see value in that service and what it can bring to others or the world.

It's not about charging ridiculous amounts of money for a service that only benefits yourself. It's deeper than just serving yourself or your family. The value for the service you provide is a decision that only you can make, but what is it, that you can do, that will allow you, to ultimately help others, provide time to spend with your family, have a healthy balance with work and your personal life and obviously pay for you to maintain your home, lifestyle and put food on the table.

I'm not saying quit your job and start from scratch right now... NO

You have to be SMART with your decisions, when it comes to discovering your purpose and starting from scratch. However, discovering your purpose can start with figuring out what it is you want to do, finding ways to incorporate little tasks into your current schedule or daily routine. Ask friends and family if they are interested, or need what you are offering, do some research to see if there is a demand for what you offer - you can then start making that shift towards providing your service to others.

Would you charge family and friends or do it for free? Ask for honest feedback and use your discernment as to whether you need time to invest, or do you have everything you need?

Discovering your true purpose may come easy to some, while others may have a harder time discovering it. For example, You may learn how to meditate, and learnt how to calm your mind and reduce your stress levels. This led you to discover your purpose is to help people deal with their emotions or how to manage their stress because you developed ways to do that and it worked for you.

Everyone is different and your purpose may be something completely different - out of the box; something others would consider weird or not normal. If you feel guided, to go down the rabbit hole and go after what drives you - Do it!

Life is about experiencing but we get so caught up in 'oh, what would they think?', 'what would my family say?' , 'what will my husband or wife say?.' Everyone is going to have an opinion about what you do, should do, could do and shouldn't do... but what is it that YOU want to do? Just focus on that. Their criticism, or lack of understanding shouldn't hold you back. Afterall, their reaction is often out of love, your family and friends are entitled to show if they worry your decision isn't the best in their eyes. Nevertheless, that shouldn't deter you.

If you feel this pull, to go forth and create the life of your dreams through your purpose. Sit down, get a pen, some paper and write down what you want to do, how you plan to get from where you are to where you're going to be. Is it going to be expensive? Do you need training? Do you need to be qualified? Do you need finances that you currently don't have? Write it all down and brainstorm; how you can get financing, how you can get the qualification, how you can travel to x, y and z. Remember this isn't a race, it's going to take time - give yourself some grace.

If you plan, and it doesn't work, adjust the plan and start again. There will be trial and error but that's all apart of the experience. If you don't fail at some point, how do you truly value yourself, your gifts, talents and what makes you truly unique without a challenge. Failing doesn't mean it's over and to quit. Failing allows you to see things from a different perspective and gives you the chance to choose what you're going to do to improve your plan and execute it.

Support from others

You may find that your family or friends don't understand what you are trying to accomplish, give them time. One tip for you, not everyone will follow you, when you're going down a path that allows you to stand out from the crowd.

Be brave and prove to yourself first what you are capable of

Your family and friends will support you, and if they don't, there are loads of people out there who have chosen to follow their heart, their intuition and live their purpose - unapologetically. Do some research and you'll discover that you're not alone on this journey. Surround yourself with people who can encourage you when things get tough, or hire a life coach and give yourself permission to have outside help. You don't have to do things on your own.

Discovering Your True Purpose

You may be someone who actually doesn't know how or where to start, what you like, what you're good at and feel generally lost with who you are.

This is okay, just be honest with yourself first, if you can't be honest with yourself, who can you be honest with?

It all starts with you.

It's not as daunting as it may seem, we all get caught up with thoughts, doubt, and wonder what is out there for us, especially when things seem to look good or are improving on some days and on others, things tend to spiral out of control. This is all apart of the experience even though it sucks at times. There is a lesson in every experience. Just don't stand by, choose to take action - regardless.

Self Reflection:10 Questions For You

If you feel like you're fed up of the way life seems to chew you up and spit you back out. You're not alone. I do want to ask you a few questions and really think about these:

  1. What do you do when you rise out of bed every morning?

  2. What's the first thing you think or say?

  3. How do you feel in the morning?

  4. What are the type of thoughts that run through your mind on a daily basis?

  5. Do you work? Study? Are you retired? Do you enjoy what you do with your time?

  6. Is your bedroom messy?

  7. Do you have a morning routine?

  8. Do you have a bedtime routine?

  9. How is your health? - Could it better?

  10. Do you make time for yourself? Do you love yourself?

These questions aren't as random as you may think, You may have noticed how you start your day, generally sets in motion how your day develops with a series of either positive or negative experiences. The questions listed above, allow you to become more aware of how you think, how you feel, what you say, what you don't say to yourself and to others as well as how you maintain your environment.


When discovering your purpose, the relationship you have with yourself is important it doesn't have to be perfect but it must be a priority. When you don't have a good relationship with yourself, for example, you overindulge, eat a lot of junk food, drink a lot of alcohol, constantly comparing yourself to others, talk about yourself in a negative way, living in a time loop of trauma you've experienced in the past, living in victim mode and everyday is the same negative cycle. Then you aren't allowing yourself to get any closer to discovering your purpose, however it doesn't mean it's impossible.

Use the 10 questions above as a guide - you're not expected to answer all 10 for yourself in one morning - take your time with it and list things you'd like to do to improve instead or list any habits you'd like to develop. - Take it one step at a time.

If you feel like you need some help discovering what you need, what you want, what your purpose is or even how to create healthy, positive habits book an Empowering Transformation Consultation to help you get back on track towards a life that's more fulfilling.

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Until next time, Always sending love and positive vibes your way!

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