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Writer's pictureJo J Jacques

"Identifying the Hindrances: What's Holding You Back in Life and How to Overcome Them"

Updated: Jul 3

the brain with electrified neurons surrounding the brain

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Have you tried again and again with a project, or a goal? But for some reason you have no idea what's stopping you from being committed enough to carry things through to completion? Do you find yourself starting something new, with every intention to follow through to completion, but find yourself with a list of unfinished projects? There's a chance that at least 1 of 4 things are currently holding you back from doing what you truly want or need to do, and this applies to every area of your life; whether it's your career, personal or professional relationships, even developing healthy habits that push you towards improving your overall well-being. Read on, to take back control and work towards whatever it is you truly want and Never Look Back.

Here's a List of the 4 Things that are currently holding you back:

Analysis Paralysis

Overthinking your current situation can delay action and leave you feeling stuck. Do you find yourself thinking about your current problem over and over again, with worst-case scenarios attached to it like the latest movie trailer, replaying on repeat in your head? Or do you find yourself thinking about all these amazing things you could do, the outcome of being successful but you don't know where to start or how to keep the momentum going?

To overcome this common problem that most of us face, is to be more present, and to become more self-aware of what it is, you truly want to do, and make things clearer for yourself, by focusing on what you want.

The first step is to take a mental and physical note of what it is you are fearful of, lets face it - you want more out of life and you have goals that you want to achieve, but you overthinking the situation isn't getting you any closer to achieving your goal. So, let's turn things around, grab some paper and a pen, make a list of what stands in your way and next to each bullet point write a solution, something realistic you can do that will eliminate this obstacle and will motivate you, and lastly guide your thoughts to focus on what you can do. You're probably wondering 'guide my thoughts? what does that even mean?' Next to your solution, write an affirmation, this is to replace those fears - something empowering, that's true for you to transmute those fears into confidence.

For example, If what stands in your way is the fear of doing it wrong, your solution could be getting advice or some guidance from someone who is knowledgeable about what it is you're trying to do. Your affirmation could be something like "I believe in my ability to try new things" or "It's okay to make a mistake, I will try again."


Procrastination - This is an enemy to any plan. Don't put it off for tomorrow, Do what you can do for today! Everyday doesn't have to be a series of endless to-do lists, choose 3 to 5 things that you can do daily, that will contribute towards your current goal - this takes it off the 'some-day shelf' and makes it more realistic and exciting to work towards. Breaking down big tasks into smaller manageable steps limits procrastination and the overwhelm associated with the thought of doing that endless to-do list *sigh* and puts you on the path towards increased drive, motivation and determination - because you're now working towards something that benefits you long-term. Your future self will be grateful for this decision.

Knowledge Gap

Knowledge is Potential Power, Action is Power.

-Tony Robbins

Without knowledge, we often lack the skills needed to make the right decisions for ourselves. Don't hold yourself back! Give yourself permission to take a risk and step out of your comfort zone to learn something new, take action with this newly found knowledge.

Tip: You don't have to know everything before you start.

The key is to Learn - Take Action - Apply & Adapt your approach, when necessary.


As a man thinketh so is he.

Belief in your ability to succeed is key to reaching personal goals.

Do you want to achieve something but your current mindset holds you back due to outside influences or distractions? It's not the end of the journey - you've realised that there's something you want to work on or change, and that's the first step in the right direction. You have the ability to learn and adapt, the next step is taking action, so your future self will thank you, for making a conscious decision to make this transition.

You don't have to do this alone either, there are loads of webinars online, online courses and YouTube videos that can help you shift your mindset, but to really commit to this transition with a tailored approach why not hire a life coach? Someone who can help you realign your mindset, so that you can focus on what's important to you, outline your motivations , gain perspective and understand whether your mindset supports you to take realistic steps towards your goals. This approach provides you with the chance to strategize how to achieve your goals, with a mindset that supports and pushes you towards what you want to achieve.


To overcome these four things you should first work on eliminating them one step at a time and replace them with realistic steps that push you towards working on your goal. Remind yourself why it's important for you to achieve it, especially when you feel like putting it off till tomorrow.

Remember, to show yourself some grace, by being patient and not putting so much pressure on yourself to get it perfect each and every time. Reaching goals takes time. It's okay to make mistakes, this is how you learn, evolve and master your approach.

If you'd like some assistance to take the first steps towards reaching your goals book a FREE Empowering Transformation Consultation to gain clarity and a new perspective to move forward with confidence.

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Until Next Time sending Light & Loving energy your way!

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