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Writer's pictureJo J Jacques

33 Ways To Raise Your Frequency

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Greetings and Welcome to the latest post on The Whole-istic Approach!

This is real valuable information about 33 ways to raise your personal frequency, I'm not going to just list them but provide you with the gems to do your own research! Before we dive into the 33 ways, let me take this chance to explain how this information is relevant to the human body, to you as an individual, and the collective consciousness of humanity!

The Relevance of It All

The human body is made up of trillions of cells that replace themselves every day, like a self-perpetuating battery. There are trillions of cells that work together to make up our organs, the various bodily functions and systems that also function, often without us giving it a second thought. They work in cooperation with one another simultaneously. The vessel that we refer to as the human body is the smartest technological suit out there!

We're all aware that a large percentage of the human body is made up of water but we are also filled with electricity, consciousness an intelligence that travels up, down and around the body and magnetism which surround each cell, organ and makes up our electromagnetic field - hence the saying 'like attracts like' we literally attract whatever we resonate with.

Each cell has its own electromagnetic field and together they work in unison and vibrate at their own frequency creating what we understand to be each system, organ and function within the body. As a collective they work in unison and vibrate at their own unique energetic vibration in the form of frequency (hz).

It's common knowledge that the heart and brain have their own electromagnetic field that spans around 8 ft in every direction, but what isn't commonly spoken of, is the fact that, so do the rest of the organs within the human body. When the frequency of a specific organ drops below a certain level (hertz) it manifests in the physical realm as dis-ease (more on this in a separate post).

The reason our individual frequency can rise or fall and doesn't stay the same is based upon our individual thoughts, feelings and emotions that we experience on a daily basis as well as the interactions we experience within our environment and lastly, the level of our frequency in any given moment depends on what we consume in the form of food, music, and various other stimuli in our environment (mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.)

The bodies we were given at birth to survive in this reality is only a shell, but it's made up of electricity, consciousness, a spirit and a soul which illuminates this body and animates us in an energetic vibrational way to interact with each other and the world around us.

Living in this physical realm, we experience what is understood to be duality, so feelings of love, joy, happiness etc, are higher in frequency than feelings of anger, shame, guilt or jealousy and you will probably notice how the lower vibrational emotions feel heavier in the body in comparison to higher vibrational feelings or emotions. That's a common example of duality.

Have you ever noticed how feeling motivated or excited about something makes you naturally want to move with a loving, more patient aspect to your being, in comparison to feeling angry or depressed which makes you want to be more self-destructive or hurtful to yourself and others. It's all vibrational and energetic at its core, and this is a fundamental aspect to understand how and why you function the way you do in relation to healing and working on yourself to raise your frequency.

The simulations also known as experiences that we encounter in this reality, serve us to experience various emotions and feelings to learn, unlearn and evolve as the evolutionary, energetic beings we are at our core. We were never meant to stay the same, we were meant to change, evolve and grow with our experiences. Each experience is meant to be a lesson, a chance to learn something, evolve and heal no matter how blissful or sinister the experience may be, its our perspective that usually helps us to determine that.

Without going too deep into this topic (this will be explained fully in later blog posts) We all have a mission, a soul contract or some form of contract as to why we are here. In this reality, the goal is to heal from the negative, traumatic experiences that our shadow selves have endured, and process how to let it go in a healthy way without the use of toxic coping mechanisms, so that you and the rest of humanity can raise their frequency as a collective as well as heal individually which creates opportunities for the collective to heal as we are all interconnected. In other words 'As I heal, you heal', Yes! we are all unique, we identify as different people, we have different shades of skin, we have different beliefs, experiences, perspectives and upbringings, we are different in so many ways but this isn't to divide us!

What makes us the same is the fact that we are all energetic and vibrational in nature and we are apart of the Whole. One collective consciousness and once we accept ourselves and each other as One, to inner-stand the fact that We Are One no matter how we appear on the outside or the differences we have based upon our individual perspectives, only then we'll truly inner-stand unity consciousness and why raising your individual frequency should also be a priority, moving forward now more than ever!

Everything has a frequency, Everything is Vibration!

The Frequency MHz (Megahertz) of each organ within the human body

  1. Brain Frequency ranges from 72-90 MHz

  2. Considered 'Normal Brain' frequency 72 MHz

  3. Human Body Frequency ranges from 62-78 MHz

  4. Thyroid and Parathyroid glands Frequency ranges from 62-68 MHz

  5. Thymus Gland Frequency ranges from 65-68 MHz

  6. Heart Frequency ranges from 67-70 MHz

  7. Lungs Frequency ranges from 58-65 MHz

  8. Liver Frequency ranges from 55-60 MHz

  9. Pancreas Frequency ranges from 60-80 MHz

Studies have shown that there are frequencies for different organs in the human body, as listed above however when they drop below a certain level, disease manifests on the physical realm.

  • Colds and Flu start at 57-60 MHz.

  • Candida Overgrowth starts at 55 MHz.

  • Becoming Receptive to cancer starts at 42 MHz then continues to drop as the condition worsens.

  • Death begins at 25 MHz.

Everything within our environment, whether we consume it in some form or listen to it has the capacity to alter our frequency by raising it or lowering it.

Fresh fruits and vegetables range in frequency between 22-30 MHz

Green foods range in frequency up to 40MHz

Dried fruits and vegetables range in frequency between 12-22MHz

Dried herbs range from 20-37MHz

Canned and processed foods possess the lowest frequency that it cannot be measured in MHz.

Did you know?

Meat loses its frequency quickly after the death of the animal and has a frequency of 0.4MHz within the first 24 hours then falls below a level of detection. It also possesses the frequency of the animals state of mind and emotion when killed.

Its been proven that the greatest effect upon the electromagnetic field frequency was triggered by the consumption of animal products, processed and canned foods and contribute towards an increase in negative thoughts and emotions. The lower our frequencies become, the more exposed we become to the frequencies of others and disease.

The higher our frequency, the less likely we are exposed or influenced by the frequencies of others, their thoughts and emotions. We protect ourselves at a higher frequency from disease too.

If you're into essential oils you'll be happy to know that the vibrational frequency ranges between 52-350MHz and is also on the list below.

The 33 ways to raise your frequency!

1. Practice Affirmations.

2. Use essential oils. - Some even have the ability to rewrite DNA.

3. Work with crystals.

4. Visualisation exercises.

5. Get creative. - tap into your divine feminine.

6. Cleanse yourself with an Epsom salt bath.

7. Connect with your inner-child, make time for the activities you loved as a child eg. Drawing, writing, playing an instrument, painting etc.

8. Breathing exercises also known as pranayama.

9. Practice mindfulness.

10. Develop self-awareness.

11. Do Shadow work.

12. Bo-fap.

13. Plant-based diet.

14. Cut out junk food, fizzy drinks and all meat.

15. Cut out caffeine.

16. Stay hydrated with water and coconut water.

17. Practice Meditation.

18. Grounding exercises - ground yourself.

19. Practice gratitude.

20. Exercise.

21. Setting intentions.

22. Helping others without wanting anything in return.

23. Communicate with ancestors.

24. Read books that feed your spirit and soul.

25. Walk in nature / spend time in nature.

26. Stop comparing yourself to others.

27. Sun gaze.

28. Practice Tai chi/Qigong.

29. Experience Energy healing; have a reiki session and realign your chakras.

30. Spread love and peace - with positive intention and action.

31. Surround yourself with like-minded people - find your soul tribe.

32. Journaling.

33. Be honest with yourself and others.


There are so many ways to raise your frequency, but starting with a small list and expanding is better, than having a whole list that explains Every. Single. Possible. Way, to raise your frequency and risk feeling overwhelmed because in essence, that defeats the purpose of having this list, with the intent to increase your frequency to begin with.

This is a healing journey, listening to your bodies needs, realigning your body with the earth and choosing to consume food that raises your frequency, choosing to spend your time with meaningful, purposeful experiences that allow you to grow and evolve and embody what it means to become your greatest version.

Raising your frequency doesn't mean it'll be a walk in the park, now you're vibrating high, just like everything else in this realm - it will take time but the best way to approach this is to take small steps in the direction of raising your own frequency and wherever you go, your aura will speak volumes. What no longer serves you will leave you but what does will appear before you, and that includes people and opportunities too. So do not fear being alone, embrace the darkness so that you can be the light.

Until next time, sending you love, light and healing energy!

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